Can a Semi-Truck Explode in South Carolina?

One of the worst possible things that can happen on a South Carolina highway is an exploding semi-truck. Although these incidents are rare, they can happen – and they may cause numerous deaths and injuries. If you’re concerned about the possibility of an explosion on the highway, you might be wondering how this might occur. What makes a semi-truck more prone to exploding than other vehicles? Can a semi-truck accident lawyer in Charleston help after an explosion?
Police Respond to Bomb Threat Involving Semi-Truck in Greenville
In January of 2025, police in Greenville revealed that there had been a bomb threat involving a semi-truck on I-85. Authorities stated that they became concerned about a suspicious package on the highway, and they had to shut down the area for hours while they swept the semi-truck for potential explosives. The SWAT and Bomb teams arrived to assist State Transport Police, and authorities say that the bomb threat was uttered during a routine traffic stop. Fortunately, there was no explosion.
What Might Make a Semi-Truck Explode?
Compared to intentional bombings, semi-trucks are far more likely to explode for accidental reasons. A typical semi-truck carries a large gas tank, and it may also carry flammable or explosive cargo in its trailer. This cargo might include liquid fuel, military ammunition, or even fertilizer.
Even without hazardous cargo, a semi-truck can easily explode with just a few mechanical issues. For example, some kind of leak may cause flammable fluids to become exposed. If the semi-truck’s brakes are faulty, this could cause sparks to fly into the air. The combination of these two mechanical issues could trigger a serious explosion – especially if the semi-truck is carrying a full tank of gas.
Perhaps the worst semi-truck explosions involve fuel tanker trucks. These vehicles carry large tanks of fuel, and the consequences of a crash can be truly devastating. Although these crashes are rare, many have made headlines over the years.
Potential Injuries After a Semi-Truck Explosion
Victims may suffer various injuries in explosions. Many of these injuries are disfiguring in nature, such as amputations, lacerations, and burns. Disfigurement is a separate, non-economic damage in South Carolina – which means you can pursue additional compensation in a lawsuit.
Other psychological issues might include post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The memory of these explosions could cause lasting nightmares, flashbacks, depression, and many other issues that should lead to additional compensation.
Can a South Carolina Semi-Truck Accident Attorney Help?
If a highway explosion has injured you or someone you love, you may want to contact an experienced personal injury attorney in South Carolina. Choose a lawyer who has experience with semi-truck accidents. These explosions can cause severe burns, amputations, and death. You have the right to consider your legal options in the aftermath of a fiery crash, and you may be able to hold trucking companies accountable. To learn more, contact Mickelsen & Dalton, LLC today.